Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm heading to the chama wilderness will be there maybe 4 days. I had breakfast and lunch here with a guy I met here at Echo Ampitheatre. Doug is on his wandering journey too! Very inspirational person. Onward to the chama. I will do day hikes around, and there is a monastery up there to venture to also!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Made it to echo amplitheatre
I'm gonna camp at echo ampitheatre and go to different trails for day hikes for 5 or 6 days.

Heading towards new mexico.

Heading towards new mexico. Not sure where ill stay but ill find out. I met a guy and his girlfriend at the motel before I left. He is an actor, film producer and teacher. Here is his web series they are very nice people! This was earlier today, didn't get sent right.
Heading towards canjilon to visit a ranger station and get info on the forest.
Stopped in chama NM for lunch.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Never the less weminuche was sweet. The weather was great. I stayed at turkey creek lake for 2 days after a 2 day hike up. I tried to fish with no luck (mainly because of my lack of equipment) I made hooks out of a tin can and used a stick as a pole. Then a 2 day hike back to the trailhead. Enough talk here are some pictures.
So. I'm heading back into pagosa springs and a police officer pulls me over. He asks do you know where you can take that thing (the moped) I say yes. Anywhere except, interstates, and divided 4lane highways, as long as I have a helmet and a drivers licenses and don't go over 35 mph because it is a motorized scooter with an engine smaller than 50ccs. He says yes and you can't be on highways with a speed limit of 65 or higher and this hwy is 65mph. I say I researched the laws I didn't see that part. He says yep. So I say well, what's the solution to my problem? He says I have to let you ride home. I say ok, I live in kansas. Then he says let me show you the law give me a few minutes. He is in his car for 10 minutes. Shuffling through a blue book, then he comes out to me and shuffles through his book. A big blue book (apparently they have a whole shelf like 6ft long full of these books, (I questioned him as he shuffled to help him)) then he goes back to his car (passenger side for some reason unknown to me then 10 minutes later he goes ah there it is, let me read it to you, so he comes over again and starts reading from the top. Then he gets to the bottom. Then he says oh, that is for low power electric scooters. Then he says your right. (yes he didz, yes he didz). Then he points out that I have to register it, and I glance at it and it says within 60 days, and I point that out and say I've had it for a month and I'm leaving the state tomorrow. Then he says well I pulled you over because you don't have it registered. And I said I've had it for a month, and he says you can go, and he sped off with his tail between his legs.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Heading out to the trail head may not have service for those days shouldn't be more than 6 days.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm thinking a 6 day excursion into the Weminuche wilderness area along the turkey creek trail.

Checked in at a motel in pagosa springs, I'm gonna explore the town and find a good backpacking trail for tomorrow.
After trouble shooting and reading I found that I shouldn't trust my gas Gage. Gods way of saying you had better be thankful for every moment of every second. Anyways toward pagosa!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Moped trouble. Conveniently right in front of a motel. 30 miles from pagosa springs.

Goodbye 4 day home, I'm off toward pagosa springs!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Craziest night finished. Knock on wood. As crazy as a room full of post wine festival people would be expected to be.

Friday, September 16, 2011

More dishes and serving. Two days to go, we'll see how they flow. It'll be nice to be on the road again, but there are times to stay and times to roam.
Washed dishes and helped bring out food, just hanging out waiting for the dinner shift.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The town has brightened a bit. I am set up behind the Italian restaurant for the next 4 nights. This should be a very interesting job.

The town is gloomier than when I left.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm gonna stay at this koa another night and maybe explore the town a bit.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Above the clouds on Wetterhorn

A pika they stand on rocks and bark at you.
Going to head to elbert peak when the bike is ready, but have got to be back in lake city to do a little job. The owner of a the Italian restaurant asked if I wanted to wash dishes during the lake city wine and music festival on 16-18! Then I'm gonna start southward I think.
Moped is in shop getting a new valve stem, the Alamosa shop put it in wrong so it needs replacing. It was a 90degree one and it was facing the wrong way and hitting the driving mechanisms luckly only desroying the valve stem. Caught it in good time thanks to Chris!

Uncompahgre!Yes it was cloudy up there Tuesday morning!

I'm back in lake city. I met a really neat guy on my way to uncompahgre trail head! Chris is a retired airforce, going and hiking 14ers. We hiked uncompahgre and wetterhorn!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The basin from above

A friend I met on the way up.
That was yesterdays, signal on Handies was too weak. I'm back in town eating. I'm gonna hike Uncomoaghre, matterhorn, and wetterhorn the next couple days, this time it really may be a couple 3 or 4 days.

Hey! Signal at the top of Handies

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gonna camp half way up then hike Handies and other trails may be three days out of service.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Made it to lake city, waiting on Nate, Angga and Marmis and doggies. I'm warming up in their cabin!

Eating in creede at cascade grill.

Almost to creede

Getting close to south fork
Well I was getting phsyched up to walk with pack and all, just got the call that the scooter is ready! Checkout at 11 from the koa.